About the website,
This website is made without using any sort of javascript, and for now I intend to keep it that way.
Of course, if I want to make a project that requires javascript, I will have to break that promise.
As of 2022-11-19
this website is ~288KB
(Excluding the heavy music files stored as flac)
This is the third version of my website. The first version is still running on Github pages (dev7z.github.io).
Which is "Heavily inspired™" by SCP-079.org which I can't seem to access anymore.
The second version was the "flashy" design that looked really cool, didn't use ANY JavaScript and had an original design.
That version isn't officially running anywhere right now but the source code for it (not modified for servers) is available at Github.
While it looked really cool there were a lot of problems:
- Scroll-snap made the user expirience a pain in the ass for anyone who didn't have a 1920*960 viewport
- The site was completely unusable on mobile
- Adding new things to the site without breaking everything else was really hard
- It had light mode (even having it optionally is a sin)
What really made it suck (for me) was that at the time I didn't have my own server,
luckily one of my friends allowed me to use his server but for some reason he couldn't give me access to it,
so whenever I wanted to change something I had to send him the files and he had to upload them.
Now that I have my own server (and an valid excuse to redesign the website), I am once again confident in this project.
Also I should mention a few tips that you might really find usefull if you try to host something yourself (stuff that you ACTUALLY need to put work in, not like some stupid wordpress site, you get the idea)
- Ubuntu sucks - don't use it
- Working with SSL certificates suck - try to find a program that automates it (if you can't find one, god help you)
- VNC or any other way of using a VPS as a desktop isn't as practical as it sounds - I recommend sticking to SSH
- Google is your friend
- This might be obvious but set reasonable TTLs for DNS records, it took me a really long time to figure out why my DNS records were updating so slowly
That was way more writing that I expected, I'll probably copy most of this and add to the projects list. If I think of something else that should be here I'll add it too.
I decided to move the static parts of the website to Github pages since I'm tired of having to fix it everytime I do something in the server and break stuff, I think at least for now it's a good middle ground to be able to host the dynamic parts of the website in my server and the static parts (literally everything except for the "government office") on Github. That said the changes I make to the site take a significantly longer time to update and Github doesn't allow you to upload files larger than 25mb some videos from the archive won't work for now, I'll find a solution eventually but it does highlight the limitations of this solution. That said I am gratefull for Github saving me from having to fix stuff everytime I do a single thing in the damn server.
And maybe Ubuntu doesn't suck as much as I thought.